Tuesday, May 29, 2012

CallBack example in java?

Create a class Callback.java

package com.etretatlogiciels.callback.example;

public interface Callback
 void methodToCall();

Create another class CallbackImpl.java

package com.etretatlogiciels.callback.example;

public class CallbackImpl implements Callback
 public void methodToCall()
  System.out.println( "I've been called back!" );
Create another class Caller.java

package com.etretatlogiciels.callback.example;

 * This is my idea of how a formal call-back mechanism works. There are examples in the
 * real world, very common in Android code, for instance: look for View.OnClickListener().
public class Caller
 public Callback callback = null;

/* register a method to be called back at some future, arbitrary point */
 public void register( Callback callback )
  this.callback = callback;

/* how Caller invokes the call-back method at the appropriate juncture  */
 public void execute()

/* directly execute a method (I don't see this is a "call-back" at all) */
 public void execute( Callback callback )

 public static void main( String args[] )
  Caller  caller   = new Caller();
  Callback callback = new CallbackImpl();

  /* Demonstrate simple calling back.
  caller.register( callback );

/*Demonstrate direct calling back (here, immediate execution) by creating an "on
*the fly" call-back. In a real world example, caller.execute( Callback callback )* would be a mechanism that properly establishes a situation in which, later, the* "direct" call would issue. This is very common in Android code as noted above.
  caller.execute( new Callback()
    public void methodToCall()
   System.println( "This is our \"on the fly\" method..." );

Below is the output
I've been called back!
This is our "on the fly" method...

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