Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Android Question for Seniors i.e PM or TL?

Explain the life cycle of an application development process you worked on previously.

 What the interviewer looks for is communication of requirements, planning, modeling, construction and deployment on the back end.
 Here's a hypothetical project. Explain how you would go about it.

 They want to know how you would break your work down into tasks and how many weeks for each task. I'm really looking to find out about planning     methods, their skill   set and how quickly they can execute.

 How do you respond to requirement changes in the middle of a cycle?

 What type of methodology have you used in the past? What are its drawbacks?

 What are different techniques for prototyping an application?

 Similar question: Do you feel there is value in wireframing an application? Why?

 How do you manage conflicts in Web applications when there are different people managing data?

 Tell me something you learned from a team member in the last year.

 What software testing procedures have you used to perform a QA?

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